Crossover Publications
Houston, Texas  USA

NEW RELEASE - 9/11/2020
There has never been a time when America needs a move of God more than now. When a nation is attacked from without, the people unite and rally to preserve what is theirs together. But when the nation is fractured from within, family and friends find themselves forced to choose sides. Unfortunately, both sides lose. America appears to be headed to a cultural civil war like none other, and it will be a war that She cannot win. As in years past, the only hope for this country is a divine intervention from God. It is not the minds of Americans that need to be changed. It is the heart and soul of the Nation that needs to be rescued. Then She can be saved from self-destruction. Her only future is in Her redemption and salvation.
Make America Saved Again, explores the condition of the Church in America and the spiritual condition of the nation during the challenges of 2020 and the years to come. So far, the responses of both the Church and the Nation to these social battle lines, have demonstrated the need for the American Christian community to rediscover Her mission. May She find the grace to stand and face Her future.

There has never been a time when America needs a move of God more than now. When a nation is attacked from without, the people unite and rally to preserve what is theirs together. But when the nation is fractured from within, family and friends find themselves forced to choose sides. Unfortunately, both sides lose. America appears to be headed to a cultural civil war like none other, and it will be a war that She cannot win. As in years past, the only hope for this country is a divine intervention from God. It is not the minds of Americans that need to be changed. It is the heart and soul of the Nation that needs to be rescued. Then She can be saved from self-destruction. Her only future is in Her redemption and salvation.


Make America Saved Again, explores the condition of the Church in America and the spiritual condition of the nation during the challenges of 2020 and the years to come. So far, the responses of both the Church and the Nation to these social battle lines, have demonstrated the need for the American Christian community to rediscover Her mission. May She find the grace to stand and face Her future.

There has never been a time when America needs a move of God more than now. When a nation is attacked from without, the people unite and rally to preserve what is theirs together. But when the nation is fractured from within, family and friends find themselves forced to choose sides. Unfortunately, both sides lose. America appears to be headed to a cultural civil war like none other, and it will be a war that She cannot win. As in years past, the only hope for this country is a divine intervention from God. It is not the minds of Americans that need to be changed. It is the heart and soul of the Nation that needs to be rescued. Then She can be saved from self-destruction. Her only future is in Her redemption and salvation.

Make America Saved Again, explores the condition of the Church in America and the spiritual condition of the nation during the challenges of 2020 and the years to come. So far, the responses of both the Church and the Nation to these social battle lines, have demonstrated the need for the American Christian community to rediscover Her mission. May She find the grace to stand and face Her future.
There has never been a time when America needs a move of God more than now. When a nation is attacked from without, the people unite and rally to preserve what is theirs together. But when the nation is fractured from within, family and friends find themselves forced to choose sides. Unfortunately, both sides lose. America appears to be headed to a cultural civil war like none other, and it will be a war that She cannot win. As in years past, the only hope for this country is a divine intervention from God. It is not the minds of Americans that need to be changed. It is the heart and soul of the Nation that needs to be rescued. Then She can be saved from self-destruction. Her only future is in Her redemption and salvation.

Make America Saved Again, explores the condition of the Church in America and the spiritual condition of the nation during the challenges of 2020 and the years to come. So far, the responses of both the Church and the Nation to these social battle lines, have demonstrated the need for the American Christian community to rediscover Her mission. May She find the grace to stand and face Her future.


Finding Hope in the Words of John

Go to the book!

Everyday we experience the affect of words. Words can make us happy and joyful, or words can make us sad and discouraged. The right words, at the right time, can elevate our soul and fill us with hope. But the wrong words at anytime can crush our spirit and leave us in despair. It can be our own words or it may be the words of others; because the power of words has a profound influence on our emotions. But, have we ever considered that words have the power to cleanse? Jesus told his disciples, “You are clean through the word which I have spoken.” When we read the words of Jesus, as written by John, we are touched to the depth of our being. His words are life. His words restore hope and peace. And His words have the power to transform our lives. His words lift and empower us, and His word will make us feel clean in a way that no other method of washing can accomplish. As you read the words in this book, you will experience fresh hope with a clean and renewed heart in the name that is above all names – Jesus Christ.

When Pastor Temi, returned to the USA, from his trip to Nigeria, he told his Friday morning men's group in Houston, Texas, about his time in Lagos, giving away Bibles and writing tablets. The people he visited loved to receive Bibles, notebooks and pencils to write with. Dr. Mooney was so inspired by Temi's story that he asked, "What if the Bible and the notebook were the same book?" And that's how it started. Over the course of that year, Dr. Mooney worked on a version of the Book of John, that could be read by Nigerians in their own country, and have a book that doubled as a notebook. This new book is being distributed throughout Nigeria and Africa, helping people Find Hope in the Words of John. All the proceeds from the eBook and the print version sold in the USA, are being used to provide free copies of print versions for distribution in Nigeria. By purchasing this work, you have become part of a team of people dedicated to bringing Hope and the Gospel, to people in a thirsty land. Thank you for your purchase. We pray that you also, Find Hope in the words of John.

Go to the bottom of this page to watch the interview
with the author of The Homeless Church on You Tube.
The Homeless Church hits #1 on Amazon

Amazon multi-category best selling eBook, The Homeless Church, is now available in paperback. When Jesus said, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock," he was actually talking to a church. Why are people leaving the church by the thousands? Why are fewer people looking to the church for answers? Can this trend be reversed? The Homeless Church takes a fresh and honest look at the Christian Church from the inside and the outside, from the perspective of one of these decliners.
Many people have struggled with the subject of church. In fact, numerous local churches are feeling the effect of this growing lack of enthusiasm as congregations continue to decline within their traditional brick-and-mortar environments. The Homeless Church is the honest story of one of those decliners.
Each chapter draws from the personal experience of one man's journey as he learns to reconsider his own perspective of what Church should be. Over the years he watched many people leave the Church for one reason or another and after the death of one of his children, he found it necessary to leave for a season also.
All too often churches focus on what it takes to happy, healthy and successful, but have little patience teaching people how to hurt. He didn't leave because he was angry, he simply needed time to hurt, heal and recover. What he found outside of the traditional church walls was amazing and healing. The Church cannot be a healing place if it doesn't learn what to do with hurting people.
He learned he could heal when he let go of the weight and the pain that held him down. He learned he could be safe in God regardless of his exposure and vulnerability around others. He learned to love and be loved in his darkest moments. He discovered the greatest wall to overcome was the one he built to protect himself.
It is our hope as you read this book that you will discover you are never as alone as you think, no matter how desperate you feel and how much you hurt, because God can surround you with His love and His people wherever you are...inside or outside of the brick-and-mortar Church walls.

Amazon multi-category best selling eBook, The Homeless Church, is now available in paperback. When Jesus said, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock," he was actually talking to a church. Why are people leaving the church by the thousands? Why are fewer people looking to the church for answers? Can this trend be reversed? The Homeless Church takes a fresh and honest look at the Christian Church from the inside and the outside, from the perspective of one of these decliners.

Each chapter draws from the personal experience of one man's journey as he learns to reconsider his own perspective of what Church should be. Over the years he watched many people leave the Church for one reason or another and after the death of one of his children, he found it necessary to leave for a season also.

He learned he could heal when he let go of the weight and the pain that held him down. He learned he could be safe in God regardless of his exposure and vulnerability around others. He learned to love and be loved in his darkest moments. He discovered the greatest wall to overcome was the one he built to protect himself.

It is our hope as you read this book that you will discover you are never as alone as you think, no matter how desperate you feel and how much you hurt, because God can surround you with His love and His people wherever you are...inside or outside of the brick-and-mortar Church walls.

Time Served is an accurate account of how a little English lady from humble beginnings became a prison chaplain, endured many personal challenges, and dedicated her life to sharing her heart and love with broken people who needed hope and direction.
I came to know Wendy Hatcher while serving as the Warden of two prisons at which she served as a Chaplain. For over 30 years, I witnessed the positive impact of her ministry. Wendy’s friendship and ministry also had a major influence on my life. She convinced me that even those who have committed unspeakable crimes against humanity can change. I have never had a truer teacher.
Her life is a living example of how putting Christ’s love in action, being humble and repentant, can bring hope and peace to people in a downward spiral. The key takeaway from Wendy’s inspiring book is how prison ministry changes lives, even in this tough and hostile environment. This is evident through her works. It is a must read!
Raymond Roberts
Secretary of Corrections
Kansas Department of Corrections

   Time Served is an accurate account of how a little English lady from humble beginnings became a prison chaplain, endured many personal challenges, and dedicated her life to sharing her heart and love with broken people who needed hope and direction.

   I came to know Wendy Hatcher while serving as the Warden of two prisons at which she served as a Chaplain. For over 30 years, I witnessed the positive impact of her ministry. Wendy’s friendship and ministry also had a major influence on my life. She convinced me that even those who have committed unspeakable crimes against humanity can change. I have never had a truer teacher.

   Her life is a living example of how putting Christ’s love in action, being humble and repentant, can bring hope and peace to people in a downward spiral. The key takeaway from Wendy’s inspiring book is how prison ministry changes lives, even in this tough and hostile environment. This is evident through her works. It is a must read!

Raymond Roberts

Secretary of Corrections

Kansas Department of Corrections

Can America be saved?
Have we gone too far?
Who can turn it around?

   America faces some of its biggest crises ever. After reaching the brink of economic collapse in 2008, Americans awoke to the reality of how fragile their nation had become. Many identified the source as the dramatic expansion of governmental power at all levels under both political parties, and they united to form the Tea Party movement to advance the principles of limited government. Numerous books have been written about the Tea Party since its surprising explosion onto the political scene, but few—if any—have been written from a Christian perspective, despite many Christians being active in the movement.

   In SAVING AMERICA, Jonathan Wakefield—a Tea Party leader and an ordinary citizen with virtually no political engagement before 2009—examines the powerful movement with an insider’s perspective and from a biblical context. He explains why he felt compelled to finally get active in helping shape his nation’s future, making the case that the Tea Party’s core principles align with Scripture and represent America’s best hope for surviving its current crises and ultimately thriving again.
Written for Tea Party supporters and skeptics, as well religious and non-religious individuals, SAVING AMERICA will challenge all readers to think through their basic assumptions and beliefs and consider their roles as responsible citizens at this critical time in world history. Order your copy today!
2012 CSPA
WOGBOOK, the Words of God in a book, provides a uniquely spiritual reading experience. By removing the verse numbers and reworking the structure into a more fluid flow of information and dialogue, we have created a New Testament book that can be read in only a few days. This structure allows one to read the book many times over and to find the inspiration and wisdom for life’s journey.
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